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The 5B5-02 model delivers 10-position Free-Way switching in a Blade format which is specially optimized for HSH pickup configurations. The lower bank delivers 5 humbucker selections (the middle three of which have options) and the upper bank delivers the classic S-type 5-way selection from the middle single and the coil-split humbuckers. The 5B5-02 unlocks the full versatility of any HSH guitar:- neck/bridge humbuckers; neck/middle/bridge single-coils; humbucker/single coil combinations as well. All pickup voices at your fingertips in an instant. Why compromise?
Visually undetectable when fitted, the 5B5-02 delivers incredible tonal flexibility in a completely intuitive, familiar package.
10-position Blade models look and feel just like traditional blade switches - except that they provide an additional bank of positions where all the 'missing' pickup combinations are instantly available. Completely intuitive to use, retro-fittable and visually undetectable - the Free-Way Blade switches provide unrivalled tonal freedom.
The Free-Way 5B5-02 Blade Switches can be used on HSH, HSS or HHH guitars offering an additional bank of pickup selections. There are 12 Schemes to choose from if you have 1 Volume 1 Tone or 12 Schemes to choose if you have 1 Volume 2 Tone. Let us know which one you want at check out or send us a message.
The video opposite was created by our friends at Willows Guitar and demonstrates the Free-Way 5B5-02 10 position
Switch installed on a HSS Sunset Custom and shows the amazing tonal versatility which this guitar is capable
When you first play a guitar with a Free-Way switch, you might not even realise it is there - the guitar doesn't look any diferent and the pickup selector feels just like a normal 5 way blade giving Neck/Both/Bridge selections.
It's only when you realise that the Free-Way switch moves into another 5 forward positions that you understand what the Free-Way is all about.
A whole new dimension in natural tone - coil tap; phase; piezo; parallel; series... you decide! Fast, intuitive switching - all in one familiar place so it's easy to understand and use. Classic looks - completely maintains the authentic design, appearance and condition of any guitar.
What you will get from this listing:
1 x Freeway 5B5-02 Model + Your choice Scheme to choose from. ( Photos Section Shows All Schemes.
3 x Carparelli Karat ( Gold Plated Sweeps ) 500K Pot Potentiometer.
2 x Del Ritmo Paper In Oil Vitamin Q ( Black Candy ) Capacitors
1 x Pure Tone Multi Contact Jack
Pre-Wired on an Acrylic Template for Ease of Use and Install. All USA made Vintage Style Push Back Cloth Wire.
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