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Canadian Online Guitar Repair Upgrade Parts Accessories Custom Build Based in Ontario.
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Congrats to Nicky! #65 Winner of the Draw!
Beautiful S-Style Fhole Thinline Guitar + Hardshell Case
You may buy tickets for this draw from anywhere in the world. The only thing you will pay for is the Shipping and/or any tax/duties your country may levy on the guitar.
Guitar Specs are Below.
*Guitar will come with a Hardshell Case and some Case Candy- Certificate of Origin and Sticker.
Please allow 1 Week before we ship to you the Winner!
Draw will take place a few days AFTER the Tickets are Sold. Only 100 Tickets are available. The draw will take place LIVE on FB.
Carparelli Sonic Blue F-Hole Thinline
Happy Loyal Satisfied Customers
A Canadian based, (online only) Company serving the Global Community of Guitar Builders, Students of the craft & Guitar Players.
Based in Canada.